How to Clean Whirlpool Washing Machine Top Loader

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One of the most reliable appliances in your house is the Whirlpool washing machine. Every so often, it requires some care! To avoid the clogging of your top-load Whirlpool washing machine with dirt, grime, and detergent residue, we’d better clean it once a month.

How To Clean Whirlpool Washing Machine Top Loader

Step 1: Locate the filter

Locate the filter’s location as your first step. It will typically be on the bottom right of the washing machine, making access relatively simple. Of course, your model might be different, so you might need to refer to the user’s manual or quickly inspect your washer to find it.

Step 2: Pull It Out

Put a washcloth under the opening of the filter compartment before opening it and removing it to make sure no water escapes and causes a mess. Don’t be concerned if you experience a small amount of water spilling out; it’s normal!

Step 3: Scrub the Filter

A toothbrush works best for thoroughly cleaning the filter in your Whirlpool washing machine. The small bristles effectively scrub away any grime in the tight spaces where they can’t be reached. Use the rough side of scrub to clean if there isn’t a clean toothbrush nearby.

Your filter will appear brand new with just some warm water and soap while you wash it. Simply soak your filter if it still appears to be pretty filthy. When you’re ready to scrub it, let it soak in hot water and soap for a few hours. The more you can wipe away, the fewer issues you’ll encounter since filters function better when they are cleaner.

Step 4: Clean Agitator

If your washer doesn’t have an agitator, go to the next step. Otherwise, take off the agitator’s top and set it in the bucket or bowl of soapy water. To clean it, make use of an old toothbrush.

Then, using soapy water and the toothbrush, scrub the agitator’s interior. It is your intention to clean the agitator of as much gunk as you can. Once you’re done, put the agitator’s top back on.

Dry the drum off and clean it with a microfiber cloth. After two cycles of cleaning the drum with vinegar and bleach, it should be clean.

Step 5: Observe the Inside

Clear out any debris from the hole where the drain filter will be located before reconnecting it to the washer. There could be things living there that you don’t want. After removing them, put the filter back into its previously cleaned housing. Close everything up after making sure the screw is fully in place.

You might think that cleaning the filter in your washing machine is a waste of time, but if you don’t, your entire washer could stop working. It’s essential that you spend the time cleaning out yours so that your Whirlpool Washer can last a long time. Additionally, ensuring that your filter is regularly cleaned out will prevent you from having to pay for repairs. You can spend your valuable time doing the things you actually want to do by using a Whirlpool washer to complete the task quickly and easily.

Tips To Keep Your Whirlpool Washing Machine Top Loader Clean

Between cleanings, follow these instructions to keep your washer functioning optimally:

  • When not in use, leave the lid open to promote proper drying of the washer.
  • Resetting your Whirlpool washer is one of the things you can do to maintain it in good working order.
  • Run a cycle with warm or hot water every now and then if you typically wash with cold water to help prevent dirt and detergent buildup.
  • Don’t overfill or underfill the washer with laundry. Too many clothes in a load can result in too much moisture remaining in the washer, and too few can leave behind detergent residue.
  • Make sure to only use HE detergent if you have a high-efficiency washer. Soap scum will accumulate when using non-HE detergent.

Read More: How to Reset Your Whirlpool Washing Machine?

Can I Use Vinegar, Baking Soda, Or Bleach To Clean A Whirlpool Top-loading Washer?

Store-bought washer cleaners, such as the Affresh that Whirlpool recommends, are specially formulated to remove dirt, grime, grease, lint, soap scum, fabric softener residue, water minerals, and bad odors. While a store-bought, specially formulated washer cleaner will work just as well as the bleach, baking soda, and distilled white vinegar, they won’t be as efficient.

The best alternative method to clean the washer is to run a cycle with vinegar and then one with bleach if you decide not to use a pre-made washer cleaner. But you can also use vinegar or bleach alone, or even just vinegar.

Because white vinegar contains a lot of acetic acids, it is a cheap and efficient cleaning agent that can eliminate odors, kill germs, and remove residue. However, unlike bleach, vinegar does not completely eradicate bacteria. The best product to kill germs and bacteria is bleach, but it might not completely remove all traces of them. A natural deodorizer, baking soda is useful for removing mold and other stuck-on debris.

Never combine vinegar and bleach as the resulting chlorine gas can be fatal. Additionally, you ought to refrain from mixing bleach with any other cleaning agent.

Will White Vinegar Damage The Washer?

There are some blog posts that claim white vinegar shouldn’t ever be used to clean your washer. If you search the internet for cleaning instructions for washers, you will find these posts. The issue with vinegar is that it can melt rubber hoses and harm other rubber parts when used excessively and in large quantities.

Therefore, your washer should be fine as long as you only use white vinegar to clean it a few times a year. As worn parts are more likely to be impacted by the vinegar, you might want to think about the state or age of your washer. There are many other options available if “should be fine” does not give you confidence.

Which Whirlpool Washing Machine Requires Cleaning?

To properly clean the washer, more cleaning supplies must be added. The best results will come from working on some washer components.

The area of the front-load washer that is most likely to develop mold and mildew needs to be cleaned first, and that area is the door gasket. To remove tough stains or mold, use some white vinegar.

The lid or door of your washer, whether top or front-load, needs to be cleaned next. Once more, you can clean the area with a damp cloth or a cleaning wipe. If necessary, some white vinegar can also be used.

Additionally, use soap and water to clean the detergent dispenser. Cleaning it with more potent chemicals or detergents is not advised.

Give the washer’s exterior a final clean to complete the task. The exterior of the washer should only be cleaned with mild soaps or cleaners.

If your washer has a lint filter, it should also be removed and cleaned with warm, soapy water and a soft brush.